The residents of two homes evacuated due to a 20-hectare vegetation fire in Whangārei yesterday have now been allowed to return to their properties.
Fire and Emergency said it was notified of a fire on Whangārei Heads Rd between Onerahi and Tamaterau shortly after midday yesterday.
At its peak, 10 trucks and five helicopters were on scene to battle the blaze.
In a statement this morning, Fire and Emergency Incident Controller Graeme Quensell said the fire remained at 20ha, and ground crews would now focus on “getting a containment line around the fire”.
“We have two helicopters working on the fire today, and this work started at first light.
“They will be operating around Whangārei airport flight times and will be grounded around arrivals and departures to make sure there’s no disruption to the public,” he said.
Quensell said there were no expected road closures today, but urged caution to motorists as there would be many firefighters working in the area.
“Te Tai Tokerau Northland moves into a restricted fire season from 8am today, Friday 10 January,” he added.
This meant anyone wanting to light an outdoor fire would need a fire permit authorised by Fire and Emergency, which can be applied for online.
Quensell said he hoped introducing these restrictions would help FENZ avoid further wildfires.