More than 160,000 students can now view their NCEA results on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) website.
Students will be able to login using their National Student Number (NSN) or Student Login to access the results.
In a statement, the organisation said NZQA’s call centre would stay open until 7pm today, with a specialist team of experienced advisers to answer students’ questions about their results and offer further guidance.
“For privacy reasons, NZQA can only give results and NSNs to the students themselves,” NZQA said.
While the results are live, students would only be able to view their assessed NCEA exam papers through the Student Login from January 21.
For students who have not achieved the credits they need to attain NCEA or receive UE, there is information on the NZQA website about the range of options and support available.
After their assessed papers are available, students have until February 19 to apply for a review or reconsideration.
Students who sat New Zealand Scholarship exams will be able to view their results online from February 11, and after papers are returned, can apply for a review or reconsideration until March 7.