A mass stranding of pilot whales has occurred near Farewell Spit.
Project Jonah said it received reports late on Saturday of a pod of around 30 whales swimming in Golden Bay.
“The whales were monitored throughout the afternoon by DOC but, sadly, the pod stranded late this evening,” an update from the group said late on Saturday night.
“Medics, locals and DOC rangers are on site with the whales. We will be mobilising a wider response if needed at first light.”
It is the third mass stranding in the area in the past month. At the most recent incident, 10 pilot whales stranded on January 7, with at least two dying before efforts to refloat the remainder of the pod were successful.
Those wanting to help at strandings should read the information on the Project Jonah website.
Meanwhile, a single whale grounded in Canterbury yesterday and was returned to the sea.
Project Jonah said the juvenile beaked whale came ashore in New Brighton, Christchurch.
“Our medics were quickly to the scene and were able to refloat the whale. Alongside locals and Department of Conservation rangers, the area is being closely monitored for any further signs of the whale.”