Drought conditions in Taranaki have been classified as a medium-scale event by Agriculture Minister Todd McClay today.
He said it is a challenging situation which faces farmers and growers in the region.
“Conditions on the ground are becoming extremely difficult with limited feed and pasture available.”
McClay added Taranaki is experiencing hot and dry conditions with below average rainfall.
“This has affected pasture growth and farmers have had to feed-out or sell livestock earlier to fill the gap.”
The Government is set to make $30,000 available to rural support groups who work closely with farmers on the ground in the area.
“I know farmers and growers in other parts of the country are experiencing dry conditions and I’ve instructed MPI to monitor the situation on the ground closely.”
Rural Communities Minister Mark Patterson said the Ministry for Primary Industries has been working with farmers, regional bodies and sector groups to provide extra support.
“This has included attending farmer meetings in southern and coastal Taranaki to discuss options for getting through and proving practical tips.”
“This classification unlocks further support for farmers and growers, including tax relief, and it enables the Ministry of Social Development to consider Rural Assistance Payments.”
Farmers are encouraged to contact Rural Support Trust if they require support by phoning 0800 787 254.