Masterton and Rotorua mayors are backing higher speed limits on local roads.
On Wednesday, the government announced that 38 sections of the network will be reversed to their previous speed limits over the coming months. Another 49 sections of the network would be put out for public consultation.
Some community leaders described the changes as “reckless” but the two mayors say it makes sense.
In Nelson, the speed limit on State Highway 6 at Marybank, north-east of the city, will revert from 60 km/h to 80 km/h – and to 100 km/h in parts.
Nelson City councillor Rachel Sanson said it was a reckless decision that put children and the community at risk.
“Residents have argued for safer speeds for over a decade, and raising them now ignores both local voices and expert advice on road safety.”
Road safety advocacy group Movement lodged an application for a judicial review of the Transport Minister’s decision in mid-January. Group member Bevan Woodward said safer speed is effective in reducing deaths and injuries on the roads.
In Wairarapa, residents have backed the reversal of speed reductions on State Highway 2 between Featherston and Masterton from 80 km/h to 100 km/h.
But others said the three minute time saving by increasing the speed limit wasn’t warranted given the safety concerns.
Masterton mayor Gary Caffell told Morning Report the three-minute saving journey meant a lot for transport firms, ambulances and emergency services like the fire brigade.
“There’s a real feeling of joy around the Masterton area that this has happened.”
“We didn’t think [the reduction] needed to happen and now we’re more than happy with what the government has done.”
In its 2020 review of the road, NZTA said there had been a high number of crashes resulting in four deaths between 2010 and 2019.
Caffell said the statistics didn’t seem to back up a reduction in the speed limit. “We’re comfortable where it is.”
“But at the same time I have to say I have had calls from some people who are disappointed. There are some who feel Waka Kotahi did get it right. It is a contentious matter but I think the majority of people here are in favour.”

Rotorua mayor Tania Tapsell said the speed limit reductions were a blanket move across the country and hadn’t considered the uniqueness of local areas.
When councils made decision on local road speeds, before the previous government, they would look at whether there were homes and businesses along the roads, she said.
“What was happening was was communities that were on a straight road with nothing but rural areas on the sides side went from 100 to 80.”
Many people were pleased the government had reversed that, she said.
“We do have people in our community that are concerned but I would highlight that we all, whether its government or councils, need to make evidence-based decisions.”
Drugs and alcohol were the main factors causing accidents, she said.