Kiwis working while physically and mentally unwell is costing businesses $46 billion per year, according to new research.
The research, undertaken by Umbrella Wellbeing, showed nine out of 10 people reported going to work while sick at some point in the last month, impacting productivity.
About 8000 workers took part in the study – with a quarter of them admitted to struggling with mental illness.
It found working while unwell meant it wasn’t enjoyable – and many said it was harder to handle stress and they lacked energy. It found overall productivity dropped 33%.
Council of Trade Unions president Richard Wagstaff said people who couldn’t afford to take a day off were often the people on minimum wage or the living wage, “people who do the essential work in this world”.
The worker advocate worried the situation would get worse, if the Government pressed ahead with making sick leave proportional to hours worked, rather than everyone being guaranteed 10 days a year.
Minister criticises study
Workplace Relations Minister Brooke Van Velden said she didn’t see any connection between the pro-rata sick leave “and what this group is suggesting”.
“They’re a group that want you to spend money to buy their products, so they’ve found a problem for you.”
Umbrella Wellbeing was a private company run by clinical psychologists, with a stated objective of working with businesses to improve employee wellbeing.
Its clients included the Commerce Commission, Parliamentary Services, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Wagstaff criticised Van Velden’s response.
“It’s not unusual for this Minister to dismiss evidence in reports, she’s dismissing it because it runs contrary to her policy programme.”