Organisers behind the national Kapa Haka competition Te Matatini have released a new album of festival favourites.
Among the 53 tracks is a song that won the inaugural People’s Choice Award at the event and has been viewed 6.6 million times online.
Naia Awatea from Te Kuru Marutea (Te Tauihu) said that “you do not think or ever expect that it’s gonna be you. You are the face right now, and that’s kinda scary”.
“Singing that song, we felt it. We knew what was behind it. We knew who we were dedicating it to, things like that.
“But once we realised everyone felt it, even through the phone, that’s crazy.”
Among the 53 tracks is a song that’s gone viral, having been viewed millions of times online. (Source: 1News)
The 53 songs on the album is a compilation of all of the groups that performed.
Bailee Raukura Tava said that “as Māori, we put out waiata for our people, about our people”.
Awatea said she’s received messages from people from as far away as Alaska and Canada.
“They just have a huge call to come home after hearing our waiata and that has been a huge takeaway,” she said.
It’s also resonating with young people here.
Baylee is an Auckland kura teacher and her students can’t get enough.
“They’re like ‘whaea Bailee, you’re famous!’. I was like, ‘if I were famous, I wouldn’t be working here’,” she said with a laugh.
Awatea’s three-year-old lights up every time it plays.
“She runs over and she’s like, ‘Mama’s waiata! Mama’s waiata!’ which is cool.”
The album is now on Spotify and lyrics are also available so people can sing along.