Trains are running as normal to and from Wellington Station following disruption caused by a power supply failure, KiwiRail says.
Services were suspended after 6am after signals around the station stopped working, preventing trains coming and going.
They resumed later in the morning, but not before causing widespread disruption for commuters.
It affected the Kapiti, Melling, Wairarapa, Hutt Valley and Johnsonville lines.
Central Railway Station lost electricity, leading to commuter chaos in the morning. (Source: 1News)
In a statement this afternoon, KiwiRail said the fault was caused by a power supply failure “which we are investigating”.
“It appears to be due to a faulty component which has now been replaced.
“The signalling system is running normally and we don’t expect any further disruption to services.”
KiwiRail added it is taking this morning’s incident seriously and “regret the disruption to passengers”.
“We apologise to those affected.
“Our investigation will look in detail at what happened with the power supply, any contributing factors, and any changes required to ensure it does not happen again.”
Commuters describe travel woes in Wellington
Some train services arriving and departing have been disrupted following a “mass signal failure”. (Source: 1News)
Earlier, one passenger told 1News she was unable to get to her school in Porirua this morning because of the disruption.
“They said they might not be able to get a bus for us,” she said.
She said it was “pretty disruptive”.
“School is pretty important to me; I need to be there, but might have to get something else sorted out.”
Another person said it was “pretty annoying aye”.
“I start work at 7.30am, so I’m pretty late at the moment, it’s about 8.30am now. Not ideal for a Thursday,” he laughed.

Earlier, some commuters took to social media to air frustrations, with one user commenting on a traffic update group on Facebook: “Huge queues at Porirua. One bus has left (been here almost 30 mins). Waiting for more ‘limited’ buses”.
Another said: “I’m walking the concourse and it’s pretty quiet down there, announcing a bus leaving in ten minutes. Lot [of] people gonna be late.”