In 12 EU countries, women’s satisfaction with the quality of care has decreased, with Greece reporting the lowest score at 32%.
Austria was the top country in Europe for women’s health, ranking third on a global index, according to a new study.
Finland, Germany, and Denmark also took places in the top 10 of the world’s best countries for women’s health.
This is the fourth year that the company Hologic has published the Women’s Health Index, a survey conducted among 146,000 participants from 142 countries and territories.
The data was gathered in 2023 and analysed in 2024.
The research takes into consideration criteria such as preventive care, emotional health, basic needs and individual health.
Women’s health in Italy ranked five points lower than in the first year of the survey, while Poland increased by eight points.
Women’s satisfaction with the quality of care decreased in 12 EU countries, with Greece having the worst score at 32%.
This is followed by Poland at 45%, and Latvia and Bulgaria (both at 49%).
Globally, more than one-quarter of women say they have health problems that keep them from activities people their age normally do, and 34% say they were in pain for a lot of the previous day.
These levels are higher than they were four years ago and represent up to nearly one billion women.
In the EU, there was also an increase in seven countries (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain) of women experiencing physical pain.
Finland was the only member state that saw a drop in Year 4, at 24%, compared to 33% in the year earlier.
Germany, Greece, and the Netherlands saw an increase in women facing health problems.
However, there was a rise in the number of women being tested for cancer in Belgium, Hungary, and Lithuania.
Women in Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, and Lithuania also thought their area provided high-quality care during pregnancy.
How is women’s mental health?
Female citizens of the European Union have reported higher levels of stress and worry in seven different member states.
Specifically, women in Austria (39%), Greece (51%), Lithuania (33%), and Spain (52%) expressed feeling more worried, while women in Bulgaria, Malta, and the Netherlands reported higher levels of stress.
In contrast, those in the Czech Republic, Finland, France, and Hungary reported that levels of worry have decreased.
Video editor • Mert Can Yilmaz